Friday, January 21, 2011

Ant Rourke, Ant Lydia, Ant Francesca

Next week in school we are learning about I-i-insects and will be observing ants.  Our ants came yesterday, so we set up our ant hill and dumped them in our habitat.

Pretty much ever since then the kids have been staring at the ant hill.  I don't really like bugs and ants creep me out, but they are fascinating.  I was amazed at how delicate their bodies are yet how strong they are, that the sections of their bodies connect through sections that are so small they are difficult to see.

This morning they started to tunnel and I was trying to tell the kids how much work it is for the ants, that those ants are carrying pieces of sand nearly as big as them.

This was their application. 

After they used their mandibles to toss all of the pillows and couch cushions down the stairs they brought them all back up and put them away, then they asked if it was rest time because they were tired from being hard working ants. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

The dailyness is a gift

Anthony dresses Zinnia & Esther many mornings, but the mornings I get to do it are a treasure, one of my favorite things to do.

After I get one dressed, I pick her up. Give her a kiss and a hug. She is still small. She cradles my hip and holds on tight.

As I carry her out of their room, down the hall and into the sunshiney living room, I am happy and so is she. She is clutched to my side, smiling, peaceful, and at rest.

We get into the kitchen and I strap her into her seat and she eats. And then I get go back and do it again.

I plan to carry them to breakfast as long as I can because the dailyness of this task is such a gift.