Monday, December 22, 2008

Laugh at the days to come!

Proverbs 31: 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Today was my first experience taking care of all 5 children at the same time. It was perfectly planned, should have been a smooth hour.

Anthony and his mom, Sherry, were taking a trip to the grocery store. We had to start defrosting a turkey for Christmas dinner, so tonight was the night. Rourke, Lydia & Francesca were in bed for about an hour and should have fallen asleep by the time they left.

Zinnia & Esther were due to fact, right before Anthony & Sherry left, Anthony informed me that if I didn't hurry up, "Esther is going to eat Zinnia's face off." Twins are so used to being really close to each other, it is comforting for them to sleep right next to each other. If you've never seen it, you should really come by and take a look, it is incredibly precious! However, there are some hazards like getting your face eaten off by a hungry, rooting sister!

So, I averted the crises, Zinnia indeed still has her face, and began to feed the babies. Shortly after I sat down, I saw a shadow outside the door. Someone was not in their bed fast asleep. It was not Anthony & Sherry, the garage door had closed and not reopened, Lydia & Frannie's door never opened, it had to be big brother, Rourke. Apparently his blanket had gotten twisted up and the little guy needed some help to get covered up.

Zinnia & Esther had just begun to eat, so getting up was not an option. I asked Rourke to stay with me. Also, just moments before I had called my mom and was chatting with her. Phone went to speaker so Rourke could say "hi" to Manga (Frannie's version of Grandma when she was first learning to talk and it stuck with my mom) while my mom & I finished our conversation.

Ladies & Gentleman, I was feeling good, what a great multi-tasker I am!

Rourke, Lydia & Francesca are over all doing great with Zinnia & Esther's arrival home. However, they are young children and some reaction is to be expected. Lydia's reaction has been delaying sleep for water, a Kleenex, unsnapping her zipper cover on her footie pjs, asking for her baby that is right next to her head, etc. We have been trying to give her grace and meet her needs tenderly, but firmly explaining that she needs to just get to sleep, her water is right there and she already has 30 Kleenexes in her bed.

Well, tonight she began to cry again, just after I was feeling so great about multi-tasking, I decided I could not multi-task this one, so I thought, "She's fine, she'll just have to cry until I can get up."

Well, she cried for about 15 minutes, I began to suspect that something may really be wrong and I was at a good stopping point with Zinnia & Esther. Rourke was happily talking to my dad at this point.

I went into Lydia & Frannie's room to discover one very distraught little girl. Whose face was covered in blood! Well, my puffed up pride was soon shrunk down a bit, this little girl had the worst bloody nose I have seen. Her hands, face, pjs and pillow were covered.

I did not know if the culprit was a finger or a bonk from her headboard shelf, so I quickly turned on the light to discover indeed a finger up the nose was to blame.

Rourke had run in at this point and was quite concerned for Lydia. Frannie was woken up by my light flicking and I was feeling quite bad for ignoring Lydia's cries for so long.

Okay, now I had 5 awake children in my sole care! I knew Zinnia & Esther wouldn't last long, so I had to be quick. Lydia was melting down and the babies were beginning to make the case that they were still hungry.

I calmed Lydia as much as I could and began to wash her hands...a full scale bath would have been most appropriate, but there was no time for that. Certainly not at 8:30 at night with 4 other children! So, a sponge bath would have to do. As I began to make progress at Lydia's hands, Zinnia & Esther began to make progress at convincing me that they were hungry. Rourke & Frannie were practically crawling into the crib they were so concerned about this unmet need.

A wise mom who too has a large sum of little ones told me once that when I get overwhelmed, to first meet the needs of the youngest and work your way up. Praise God for this advice!!

So, a half cleaned up, mostly still bloody Lydia, Rourke & Francesca got to watch a movie at nearly 9pm! I sat down to finish feeding Zinnia & Esther while the other three enjoyed their Steve Green. The babies ate like champs and I got them settled and laid down for bed (or for a few hours anyway). I also had a chance to call my mom back to tell her it was just a bloody nose that I quickly hung up Rourke's conversation with my dad. Nothing to worry about.

Now, I cleaned up Lydia and just as I was finishing, Anthony & Sherry arrived. Sherry took Rourke to bed and Frannie & Lydia camped out on Frannie's bed while Lydia's stained sheets were removed from the bed and clean ones put back on. Anthony finished tucking in the girls and all was well...even my soul!

This situation to a sleepy new mommy would send most of us into an emotional disaster. However, it was different tonight. I was calm, even giggling about the circumstances. Here I am, my first hour "on my own" and Murphy's law was really clear! God gave me an incredible amount of grace and peace.

At other times, this moment would have been a catalyst for anger or fear of "how am I going to do this?" But tonight, it just wasn't so. I was really peaceful. God met me right where I was at, He gave me the reminder of wise counsel, and He filled my heart and mind with peace to cope. I was smiling and laughing completely at a place of peace!

So many people have flat out asked and many more alluded to the question of, "how are you going to do it?" I pray that I will do it just like tonight, reliant on God's grace to give me peace and wisdom for the day (hour or minute) ahead! Please join me in praying that God would meet me in this way again as I learn to be a mommy to 5 young children, pray this verse for my life...

Proverbs 31: 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Outstanding Among Ten Thousand

My lover is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. Song of Solomon 5:10

Anthony is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand! He is an incredible man, a Godly, loving husband, and a father who loves his children fiercely.

I have been overwhelmed this morning as I have considered the faithfulness from the life of Anthony.

Firstly, my husband loves the Lord. He desires more than anything to be like the Jesus, to love like Jesus, and to honor and glorify God. Anthony seeks to understand the Word of God with diligence and passion. He desires wholehearted understanding of the Bible and is continually assured that the Bible is the truth through his faithful study and fearless pursuit of answers to questions that are hard. Anthony never gives up seeking to understand what the Bible really says about life, trials, and living as a redeemed man because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice. I love that my husband has wrestled to understand what the Bible really says and has always come to a clear understanding and full peace that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. I love that he is eager to share this passion with anyone who wants to hear. I love that Anthony passes on the wisdom and truth that he so faithfully seeks to our family.

I love that my husband is strong for us and for others. That he protects us from my own do it all drive. There is no earthly place more secure than that in arms and faith of my husband. He covers our family in prayer, I love that he blankets us with leadership that is inspired by God. I love that Anthony is humble and tender to his sin. He admits fault and confesses shortcomings without blame or pride.

I love the way Anthony loves. The way he loves me, the way he loves our children, the way he loves our family & friends, his tender compassion for those who are hurting. Ephesians 5:25-30 says:

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.

This may seem strange and can be difficult to understand. But as I study this passage more and see my husband loving me as Christ loved the church, I see the beauty in Anthony's love for me. That like Jesus, he sacrifices much for me. He reminds me of the Word, gently washing me with truth when I am emotional or fearful or in sin. He delights in my splendor (even though I can be plagued with selfishness and irrational expectations). He overlooks all of my shortcomings, seeing no spot or wrinkle or any such thing (like a GIANT belly!), calling me perfect and without blemish...both in my appearance and character. I know I am not perfect and every woman has inward and outward blemishes they stive to cover up or heal, but my husband consistently overlooks all of that, loving me as his himself. He nurtures me, he protects me, he treasures me, and serves me in our home and with our children, he cherishes me because I am his wife.

Over the last couple of months as I have grown in size and fatigue, Anthony has tirelessly and never once complained while he has managed not only his full time job, but has taken care of our home, done piles of laundry, cooked dinners, given himself fully to our children...they delight in their daddy! He has mastered the fireplace, keeping our home delightfully warm. He has shown unwavering love and patience as his wife has grown weary from daily life and has turned into a sleepy pumpkin by 8pm most nights. He never complains, never grumbles, just kisses my cheek saying, "sweetie, let's go to bed."

Likewise,husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
1 Peter 3:7

Anthony has lived with me in such an understanding way. Showing me honor, protecting me with his strength and love as I have literally become the weaker vessel. If you are not familiar with this passage, the phrase "weaker vessel" is actually linguistically rooted in a description of the finest china, treasured and well cared for. Anthony has treated me with such treasure and care, as something priceless and worthy of special care and attention. I delight in falling under the arms of his honor as my husband. I am tremendously thankful that God has graced me with a husband who does this without bullying, demeaning, demanding from me. That I can be real with who I am and who God has made me to be in the protection of a husband who cares for me with such tenderness. I will confess, I like to think I can do it all on my own, but I can't. I need a strong man, and I treasure the gift of the man God has given me. He is truly Outstanding Among Ten Thousand.

Friday, September 12, 2008


This morning was one of those moments where you are just overwhelmed with gratitude, overcome with emotion.

I woke up with a sore throat, a stuffy nose, and head ache. It was raining and gloomy, I really just wanted to stay in bed.

I went downstairs to our "quiet time" place. Anthony had warmed up water in the tea kettle and the hot cup of chai was a refreshing way to warm up a bit. I pulled my journal and Bible and read in Isaiah, chapter 11 verses 1-9. I was so struck at how refreshing Christ is. This passage follows 10 chapters nearly completely full of description about how difficult life will be in the end times, there will be famine, injustice, evil and hatred will abound, life will be universally painful and hard, espcially for the people of Isreal and the Jewish nation.

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse,and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. And his delight shall be in the fear of the LORD. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear, but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked. Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins.

The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder’s den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

It is completely crazy to understand that justice COMPLETELY belongs to God. That God is GOD, not one of many, but the one true GOD. God is fair, no one will ever be able to say, "that wasn't fair." He is righteous and faithful. He will bring peace, unimaginable peace...wolves dwelling with lambs, a baby playing over a cobra's hole, without fear of danger. All will be "full of the knowledge of the LORD." There will be no disputes or wondering, it will be clear.

It kind of makes you stand back and go, "woah." God is BIG and I am so small.

As I continued with my time, I read the following verses in Psalm 56: 8-13

You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in your bottle. Are they not in your book? Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call. This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me? I must perform my vows to you, O God; I will render thank offerings to you. For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.

How striking, that God can be so powerful to completely redeem the injustice and terror in this world, and at the same time be so intimately connected with my life. God knows each of my tossings, knows my tears, knows about when I have been hurt. GOD IS FOR ME! God has delivered my soul from death and kept my feet from falling. I deserve to be one of those struck down His rod of justice because I, like every human, have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). But Jesus Christ offers forgiveness once and for ALL sins to any who seek Him for it. He promise to never (NO, NOT, NEVER) leave or forsake those who have trusted Him for that salvation. He has surely kept my feet from falling and delivered my soul from death.

I was feeling so thankful!

As I got the kids up and made them breakfast, I put on a CD a friend made as a testimony to a time she was struggling to believe that God had good for her life as she longed to hold a baby in her arms while struggling through months of unsuccessful fertility treatments. I was just overwhelmed with gratitude for her life and for the 2 children she now has. How God knew each of her tossings and will not forget one of her tears. I looked at my children eating their peaches and honey combs, seeing them dance a bit to the music and was just overcome. I tearily changed their diapers and got them dressed, amazed at the opportunity to be the mom of Rourke, Lydia & Francesca. I was overwhelmed with thankfulness for God's faithfulness, for Christ's sacrifice, and for the redemption given freely to me though Jesus Christ. I was so joyful!

The kids were having fun, singing along with the music (as best as they could, mostly "la's" and "oh's"). They were dancing, they were joyful and thankful too. Not that they could describe why, probably because Mommy wasn't a grump..I tend to not be the most chipper woman in the morning.

So, here is the rendering of my morning, a thank offering to the One True GOD!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The last night, scattered emotions and thoughts

So much has happened over the last 3 months. The news of another set of twins, we took a vacation to my family's mountain cabin, the emotional ups and down of deciding to move or not, a rental agreement...fallen through, a real estate deal...closed, and now it is all slowing down. Tonight is the last night the kids will sleep at our townhouse and tomorrow will be ours.

God has over and over proven Himself faithful. We have been showered with support and help from our family and friends. Here is a portion of an email I wrote a while back describing sweet timing and reassurance from the Lord. I was feeling quite fearful of all that was happening in our lives and wondering if I would fail. I don't write to say that this is true, but when we are all being completely honest, we all have moments like these.
"I am encouraged. God has really been working on my trust of His provision for our lives, has been renewing my prayer life for my husband, and has been encouraging me as a mom.

I was really desperate for some reassurance that I/we are not going to fail at parenting all of these little ones and also some clarity from God living situation. God has been revealing little bits over the last few weeks bring a much clearer picture!

We are feeling like God may be closing the door to having someone live with us to help with the kids. God has been continually reminding me of what a wise woman shared with me about when Jesus fed the 5000, that He says to bring our loaves and fish and he will multiply them. That He says that we should do it and He will help. There has really been no interest or leads in a woman to live with us and I was feeling like I would just be all alone (I huge lie, I know!). Another woman shared with me a verse from Hebrews… “Keep your life free from the love of money and be content with what you have for the Lord your God has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” She described to me that the never and nor are triple negatives, so God says, I will no, not never leave or forsake you! I can be quite thick so sometimes I need to hear it three times!

As I was praying over this verse the next day and just telling God that if He doesn’t provide someone to live with us to help me that it will be okay because He’ll be there. While I was praying I got a phone call that I let go to voice mail. When I checked the message it was from a gal at Summitview who had organized her whole team and a few other women to make me 2 weeks of frozen meals. She was just checking to be sure we had freezer space and no allergy issues. That was such a kind timing from God!

I have also been realizing that many of my motivations for having someone live with us revolve around clamoring for “me time” and my interests. I have recognized selfishness in the motivation, not a genuine desire for someone to help me shepherd my children. Really someone to just let me get out, go to the grocery store, run errands, be by myself. This is not a right or need and I was really feeling like I deserved these things and absolutely needed them. (Not that these things are bad, my motivations were just not right)

This weekend I got an extended quiet time and was encouraged by the following verse:

1 Chronicles 28:20:

David also said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished."

Another thing that played into this is that if would could find a house where Anthony could have office space, he can telecommute next year for up to 20 hours a week. That is HUGE!!!! If someone was in my home, my husband is the absolute best option. What a blessing to have him there for me and the kids. "

God says to remember and tell of His glorious deeds. All of this to me was so glorious. I have to share this intimate encounter with my Lord. It is so good to recount all that God has done, it helps me tremendously to just rest and not fear.

So, tonight is the last night. It is such a bittersweet occasion...moving. We really love this house and are sad to move. This is really the only home the children have known. Rourke was only 6 months old when we moved here. Lydia and Francesca were tiny when we brought them home.

I will miss our neighbors, my little garden, evenings on the patio under the twinkling umbrella. Walks to the park, seeing the Robinsons just across the green space and the Youngs around the corner, the quiet nearness to the foothills, my huge kitchen counter. I never thought I would be so attached to a space, but I am attached to this little house and all that has happened here. I have had many moments of joy, thankfulness, frustration, fear, laughter, love, and growth. It is a treasured time.

However, our new home will bring many more memories. God has really blessed us with an amazing house to develop our family and to shepherd our children toward His truths and glory. We are thankful. This home meets our physical needs for a long time with 4 (5 really) bedrooms, a huge finished basement, a large yard, a deck, a patio covered with a pergola, incredible views of God's creation, and newly remodeled bathrooms and kitchen. It even has a garage (wow)! We will live literally down the street and around the corner from my sister, brother-in-law, and nieces. There is even a family from our church who live 2 houses down. We have been abundantly blessed with such a wonderful house to make our home. We are excited to welcome our two new children to this home.

I feel so grown up. I mean, really grown up. One of those moments when you realize that you are an adult, it hasn't all been a dream, you won't go back to mom and dad's this weekend. It's such a strange feeling. I have 3 children, a grown up house, and 2 more kiddos on the way! There is no turning back. I am sure with each passing year I will be amazing with the lightning speed of it all, did this happen, where did all the time go, why wasn't more thankful?

I want to be thankful. I want to remember all the things that the Lord has done and give Him the praise and honor for it all. God has been gracious to me. I am incredibly blessed to know Jesus Christ as my Savior, Redeemer, Friend, and Eternal Father. My husband loves me and is thoughful of my needs and desires. He is my best friend, he is a trustworthy, honorable man who takes great care of me and my children. He is such an amazing dad! He loves his children. They adore him. I have the pleasure of being a mom to Rourke, Lydia & Francesca. I can't wait to meet the two inside my belly. They are but little tickles now, but soon I will know their names and see them grow. By the way, we are not finding out the genders. Surprises come few and far between, this is a great way to enjoy a surpise!

I am truly amazed by the support, help, and love shown by our family and friends. People have given generously of time and finances to display their care for our family. With many meals, free childcare, items for our house, help moving, prayers, timely questions of just how are we doing and loving understanding to allow me to be honest with my emotions or feelings of the day followed by gentle reminders of the truth I am not seeing. My dad did a wonderful job with a remodel project at the new house opening up a wall between the kitchen and living room so I can see the kids.

Wow! To have such a God and such faithful, loving people around us is humbling. I am so thankful.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1 in 1000

There is a 1 in 1000 chance of:

  • Catching a foul ball at a MLB game
  • Getting Encephalitis from a case of the Measles if you are not vaccinated
  • Finding a double yolk in your egg
  • Having childhood arthritis
  • Naming all 5 First Amendment freedoms
  • Winning a Canopy Management Group Prize
  • An asteroid will hit the earth in the next century
  • Encountering a malicious website
  • Having a second set of twins in the same family!

Guess which 1 in 1000 we are!

We are expecting our next set of blessings around Christmas time. In the mean time we are exploring a bigger house, a bigger van, and enjoying all the time we get with the three little ones we have.

The message at church this week was fitting for this news. The speaker, Mitch Majeski, encouraged us with the truth that children are gift and blessing from the Lord. Not a burden. We are looking forward to the adventure our life will hold as we welcome our new children. Here's the link if you want to listen to it.

We would appreciate your prayers for:
  • Healthy babies.
  • A full term, healthy pregnancy and easy delivery.
  • Wisdom for our financial decisions.
  • Renters for our townhouse. Do you need a great 3 bedroom with a fenced front & back yard??? Give us a call!
  • That God would provide for our increased living expenses and for debt repayment as we will most likely need a different mini-van and will be needing to find a larger home.
  • That we would appreciate and parent well during the next 6 or 7 months before the babies are born.

For now, here's a cute picture of Rourke, Lydia & Francesca. Enjoy!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sweet Words

We finally had a nice day today! Over the last few weeks it has been unpredictable and not very warm. The kids and I walked to the park with our friends, Jeanne & Ben. A coupleof weeks ago we started some seedlings. The kids had so much fun and got dirty!

The kiddos are verbal these days, but my favorite are those phrases that aren't quite right! Here's a sampling of some recently heard from the Alvarado girls:

"help-e-you": "help me"
"too-ta" or "tipa, tipa": tortilla
"sucka": Lydia's fond calling for her sister, "Francesca"
"hangaber": This has dual meaning: hamburger and booger
diapie: "diaper" but so cute. Especially when Francesca says, "mommy, change diapie"
oak or oakie: "Rourke"

Rourke is quite clear in his language and has begun to write letters...he has mastered A, H, J, R, and O!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


The Alvarado Family has a steadfast tradition. It is one of great intensity and duration. Great highs and quick lows. Squeaks, cheers, and that sweet sound of a basketball flowing through the threads of the carefully braided net. That's right, folks, March Madness is a fond family tradition.

This year the kids have fully joined in with the fun! They chose their picks right along side the adults...and they have some good ones too!

Here's some video of the kid's choosing experience! They are learning how to cheer & it is delightful to hear Rourke chime in with his dad's "ohhhhs" and "nice". Lydia & Francesca have learned to wave their fist in the air while exclaiming , "go, go, go!" Isn't it fun!?

Friday, January 11, 2008

East is from the West

"East To West "
Casting Crowns
(see below for full song lyrics)

Here I am Lord and I’m drowning, in Your sea of forgetfulness
The chains of yesterday surround me, I yearn for peace and rest
I don’t want to end up where You found me
And it echoes in my mind
Keeps me awake tonight
I know you’ve cast my sin as far as the East is from the West
And I stand before You now as though I’ve never sinned
But today I feel like I’m just one mistake away

From You leaving me this way

Tonight I totally blew it. I yelled, slammed the microwave door & forcefully stomped on an apple jack. I felt so terrible. The kids weren't even doing anything bad...just being little children. I confessed my sin to them, asked for their forgiveness and we finished dinner & I got them ready for bed.

I have been loosing patience with them today and coming to the end of myself. A good thing, I suppose, to rely on the help of my Heavenly Father...if I let Him help. I snapped at Rourke a couple of times and was just hard on him.

Jesus can you show me just how far the east is from the west
‘Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve been
Rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
‘Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other

Tonight when I put Rourke to bed, I prayed for him as we do each night. We always ask him if he wants to pray, it usually goes something like this, " Dear God, thank you for this day and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandma Sherry and Frannie and Lydia and Daddy and Mommy and Connor and Laney (insert aunts, uncles, and friends). It is really sweet to hear him thanking God for those he loves. It is always in the same order. Tonight, though, it was different.

Tonight, he said, "Dear God, thank you for this day and mommy."

I said, "And..."

He said, "And you," pointing right at me with a big grin on his face.

I asked him, "Who else, buddy?"

He said, "Mommy, and...."

I replied, "And...?"

And he continued down his list. What a tender example to me of the distance of the east from the west. I was not patient, kind, loving, gentle, or understanding with Rourke today. Yet at the end of the day, he was purposeful (as much as a 3 year old can be) in thanking God for me. Such a gift that I definitely didn't deserve or earn from today's mothering installment.

This week has had other moments like this. I have been emotional and edgy the last few days. (I have been on my own the last 5 1/2 days because Anthony is out of town)

Three times, Frannie has come up to me, with her sweet little voice and said, "I love you, Mommy. Hug?" She really is the best hugger! She is like a koala...she holds on so tight and snuggles in close. Last Friday I was on the floor changing Lydia's diaper, Frannie came up from behind me, put her arms around my shoulders and told me she loved me. (She has a pretty good vocabulary and it is so cute to hear her talk...her voice is so tiny and sweet, and she says these big sentences. A couple of days ago Lydia smashed her finger in a bi-fold closet door. Frannie said, "It's okay Lydia, you alright." That's a 5 word sentence from a 19 month old!!!"

Lydia isn't too cuddly, but she let me hold her for almost 20 minutes yesterday. It was a joy to my heart!

What a gift & joy to be the mother of such sweet children. Children who I think teach me as much or more as I teach them.

I clearly understand that I am not a perfect mother, I do lose it sometimes. I am always learning and know it's okay to make mistakes (that's why you can't remember such young years, right?!). I am so thankful that God has allowed my children this week to encourage my heart, giving me an example of how far the East is from the West. Praise & Glory to God!

Full Lyrics: