Feel free to stop by anytime...I wish I had a better camera to do the views justice! Yes, the train comes by and it's cool...the whistle doesn't blow, just the cars rumble by. They are mostly freight cars, but we've seen a few passenger trains and once we even saw tanks and other military vehicles. The kids are full of reverence for the tracks. Zinnia often will run in the house and in a sweet, gentle voice, quite matter-of-factly state, "Mommy, Thomas scare me." She doesn't really cry, mostly just announces it
One fun feature of our backyard is a great patio and tonight we spent a fun family night on the patio. We ate dinner and then used our fire pit for the first time. For it's inaugural fire, we made s'mores. Anthony even taught us how to melt the chocolate on the side of the fire pit. It was fun and I felt like a grown up...you know, grown ups do things like roast marshmallows with their kids. Woah!
One fun feature of our backyard is a great patio and tonight we spent a fun family night on the patio. We ate dinner and then used our fire pit for the first time. For it's inaugural fire, we made s'mores. Anthony even taught us how to melt the chocolate on the side of the fire pit. It was fun and I felt like a grown up...you know, grown ups do things like roast marshmallows with their kids. Woah!
Rourke has lost 3 teeth. Actually he's lost two in the traditional method and the other was given a head start by a rope he tied across the swing set. His tearful account was, "We were swinging and Mommy, Frannie said something funny and I laughed and my tooth got stuck on the rope!". We took him to the dentist and x-rays showed it was going to come out soon anyway..thankfully, no broken teeth...yet. Rourke's currently into space shuttles and night crawlers. We watched the launch a couple weeks ago and he picked out 8 books about space shuttles from the library. He's also planning for his future. He said that on Mondays he will fly space shuttles, on Tuesdays he will be a train conductor, on Wednesdays he will fly jets, and the rest of the time he will be a geologist. We learned about rocks a few weeks ago in school and he's been investigating rocks ever since. He said he might be a good fisherman someday because now he knows how to hunt night crawlers because his Uncle Casey came over for some man time and they dug in the dirt and found some huge ones. They are still in the fridge if anyone needs some fishing bait!
Lydia is such a sweet girl. Look at the way she's holding that s'more. Pinkies raised and everything. She loves anything pretty, fancy, and shimmery. Dresses are her preferred attire. Lydia has a beautiful heart and is our most spiritually sensitive child. She is keen to the heart of Christ and very compassionate and kind. She loves to help, which is an amazing gift to me. When we named each of our children, we did so with a prayer request and character quality in mind. Lydia in the Bible is an amazing woman who was eager to help others and I am often stunned how accurately my Lydia is named and am thankful that He is building in her the character we've requested. Last week she was sitting with me at the table before breakfast and said, "Mommy, I had a wonderful dream last night. Rourke and Frannie, and I got to spend the whole summer with Jesus and it was so fun." She gave me a little giggle and then said, "It was such a nice dream."
Esther loves to eat. She eats and eats and eats. She enjoys her food...she likes to feel it, to see what it sounds like, to see what happens when you splash it, to see how it works as shampoo, and she can eat as much as her older siblings. Esther's affections for mommy are fierce. She often just wants to be held and she makes it clear when she's not ready to be done. Often I'll sit with her and have my arms tucked around her frame. If I move my arm down to my side, even for a second, she picks up my hand and draws my arm back across her belly. Very sweet.
Tonight was a fun night. It was relaxed and refreshing. We just enjoyed each other. I'm looking forward to enjoying many more nights like this, together, on the patio.
Did I mention she loves her daddy?
Love it!! Oh how I hope we start using our back yard to make such sweet memories!!